STOP PRESS! Northern Australia Bucking Bull of the Year ‘GUNS N ROSES’ to feature at the 2018 NRCA National Rodeo Finals
Posted on October 15, 2018 by Janelle Barraclough
STOP PRESS! Northern Australia Bucking Bull of the Year ‘GUNS N ROSES’ to feature at the 2018 NRCA National Rodeo Finals event in Dalby 3rd November 2018. The winner of the Open Bull ride will be offered the chance to ride 'Guns N Roses' with the chance to win an additional $2,000 on top of their NRF prize winnings!
Guns n Roses has had some of the best riders in the country take him on and after an impressive (26) buck outs, no rider has even come close to making time.
Travelling all the way from the Northern Territory, owner Dallis Wilschefski says ‘It’s an honour to have him as a feature bull at the NRCA finals. We’ll be taking our time to get down there and all going well, he should turn it on.'
Special thanks goes out to major sponsor Nautilus Aviation for their support in covering travel costs and to NRCA Director and RSA President Colin McTaggart for his continual support and encouragement.
Photo Credit: Spokz Photography
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