Australian High School Rodeo Association (AHSRA)
The AHSRA is rapidly growing in prominence as the premier youth rodeo organisation in Australia today.
The Association was formed in 2000 and is the ONLY affiliated and officially recognised member of the USA parent organisation the NHSRA (National High School Rodeo Association).
The concept behind the first High School Rodeo was to encourage rural-oriented youth to stay in school and complete their studies. A beneficial and planned side effect was the emphasis placed on providing scholarship assistance to youth who had nowhere else to turn for funding.
Education plays an important part in the total AHSRA program and in order to gain the confidence of schools around the country, the association requires high student academic standards. Members must conduct themselves in an exemplary manner with high priority on leadership and responsibility.
Students are also given the opportunity to serve as national officers, as voting delegates to the National student elections and as event directors on the national level where they are required to work with adult advisors to ensure proper conduct and fair competition in Student Rodeo.
For those whose athletic talent carries them into the top ten in the USA, there are even greater rewards including trophy saddles, gold buckles and college scholarships. AHSRA senior qualifiers also have the opportunity to obtain scholarship assistance based on need, desire to attend university and their stated goals and objectives - all determined in front of a scholarship screening committee and not in the rodeo arena.
The truly impressive aspect of the AHSRA is the quality of character and dedication of both the student members and the adult advisors.
For further information contact:
Contact: Tamra Clark
1322 Kamilaroi Hwy, Quirindi NSW 2343
M: 0450 820 011 | E: ahsrasecretary@outlook.com.au